Statement of Faith
What We Believe
We hold to the Bible as our official creed and let its words be our guide. The Bible is the word of God, inerrant and inspired by God, completely trustworthy and true.
There is one and only one living and true God. He is the Creator, Redeemer, Preserver and Ruler of the universe. God is holy and perfect, all knowing and omnipresent. To Him we owe all our devotion, worship and obedience. The eternal triune God reveals Himself to us as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Genesis 1:1, Psalm 90:2, Matthew 28:19, 1 Peter 1:2
Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is co-equal with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Jesus entered humanity through the virgin birth. He was fully God and fully man. He lived a sinless human life, gave Himself as the perfect sacrifice for the sin of all people by dying on a cross. He rose from the dead after three days, demonstrating His power over sin and death. He ascended to Heaven and will return to Earth to reign as King of kings and Lord of lords Isaiah 9:6, Matthew 1:22-23, John 1:1-5, 14:10-13, Acts 1:9-11, Romans 13:4, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, 1 Timothy 6:14-16, Titus 2:13, Hebrews 4:14-15
The Holy Spirit is equal with the Father and the Son as God. He lives within every Christian from the moment of salvation. He provides the Christian with the power for living, understanding spiritual truth and guidance for what is right. He cultivates Christ-like character, comforts and bestows spiritual gifts. Genesis 1:2, John 14:16-17, 1 Corinthians 2:12, 3:16, 12:13, Galatians 5:25, Ephesians 1:13
We cannot in our own power or ability make ourselves right with a Holy and perfect God. However, in His great mercy God provided a way for fallen humans to be saved from their sin that separates them from fellowship with a pure and righteous God. Jesus Christ is God’s provision for the salvation of mankind. When we trust Jesus Christ for Salvation from our sin we are freed from the condemnation of sin but are also brought into fellowship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and are promised eternal life in Heaven. John 1:12, 14-6, Romans 5:1-2, 6:23, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Galatians 3:26, Ephesians 2:8-9, Philippians 3:9, Titus 3:5, 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24, 1 John 2:25, 5:11-13
From the beginning God created two genders, male and female in His image to be like Him, He instructed them to form family as the foundational institution of human society. Marriage is designed by God to be one man and one woman committed to each other and the Lord. Out of that union God has ordained the family. The family has a beautiful and important role to demonstrate God’s love and divine purpose in creation. Parents are given the role of bringing up their children in the love and fear of the Lord. Genesis 1:26-27, 2:15-25, Exodus 20:12, Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Joshua 24:15